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Hosting for over 160 years

Our history

A lot has changed on our hotel grounds over the past 165 years; the first guests were welcomed here as early as 1852.

The history of the Herburger family in Feldkirch begins with the purchase of the "Gasthof Weisses Kreuz" in 1852, along with its cider mill, farm, and vineyard, which unfortunately no longer exist.

Thus, August 27, 1852, marks the beginning of a tradition spanning more than 160 years—the oldest inn in the area, continuously owned by the same family for such a long time.

Over 220 years ago, a country inn was mentioned for the first time at this location. Back then, it was called a "Schildwirtschaft," which meant that an innkeeping license was already in place at that time.

The name "Weisses Kreuz" (White Cross) indicates that, in the past, all destitute Alpine crossers (job seekers, pilgrims, etc.) received free meals and lodging at these inns.

Initially, our establishment included its own bakery, then a weighbridge, a gas station, a cider mill, and a schnapps distillery.

In September 2006, Marlene Hummer joined Hotel Weisses Kreuz. Initially working at the reception, she later took over its management. Over the years, she became increasingly familiar with the business.

In February 2021, after 160 years, the ownership of the family changed for the first time.

While Marlene Hummer begins a new family history, the tradition of hospitality will continue to live on.

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