Wildlife park Feldkirch
a unique way to experience nature
In the wildlife park Feldkirch children and parents can get a glimpse of the native animal kingdom. Observing the animals in their natural environment is something very special for many children, a second or third look is often necessary to discover the mostly well camouflaged animals in the forest.
Over 150 animals live in the park on an area of 10 hectares. Wolves, marmots, snow hares, lynxes have their home here. Many other animal species, which are often unknown to children, such as mouflons, can also be discovered in the park.
For people who want to learn even more, there is a forest nature trail in the recreational forest of the city of Feldkirch, in addition to the wildlife park, with more than 70 signs from which you can learn more about the forest - about plants and animals, about the cycle of nature, about climate and soil conditions.